....And...back to Josephine!
Last time, she had no luck in the romance department, especially with the added headache of traits....
I did have a stroke of genius though--SP reminded me of one Mr. Thornton Wolff, who usually doesn't stay married very long because he hates kids and Morgana wants kids---so BINGO!!! Opposite traits---Josie is nurturing and wants 5 kids---and Thornton totally hates that idea. It's a match made in Heaven...?
First she must meet the sim, so we waits patiently (kind of) for him to be home.
His wife is home too, not too worried about that bit. It'll take Josie forever to make friends with him. XD He should be split up from Morgana by then--besides--he is the first sim out of many, many, many sims to even fit the criteria for Josie's partner--so at this point--Morgana is dispensable!
Go say hi Josie, cause some how some way, that is the sim you are going to have simkids with.
J: *knocks on door*
T: *opens door* What do you want??
J: Hi?
I forgot how grumpy he is!
Oh dear---this is not going well at all. She can't say anything to him without him reacting poorly! At this rate they're going to be enemies!
*waits 45 sim minutes for foot in mouth syndrome to expire*
Meanwhile, Thornton makes food, which is good, because Josie is hungry too---and she can't put her foot in her mouth if there is food in there....right???
*insert frustrating game mechanics here as it takes me 10 real life minutes--that I can never get back again!!--for the both of them to be in a spot where she can ask him what his sign is!!!*
Turns out Thornton is a Scorpio--makes sense--he's a hard sim to get along with. No wonder Morgana kicks him out on his as...behind.
No compatible signs then--but what is their attractive rating???
They both find each other attractive. How odd that it didn't say so when they first met?? But hey--I'll take it--if it helps Josie befriend him!
Or not. :/
Trait InCompatibility. Perfect. I think. XD
After 1 step forward, and 2 steps backwards, I decide he is going to be one of those sims that she can't befriend directly. We shall have to make use of the phone, texting, and chatting, to get that relationship score up higher.
This is the hardest I've had to work on a sim relationship in a long while...
On her way home--I amuse myself and do a makeover on an EA role sim. He was pudding before, at least he looks slightly different now.
*insert non-stop texting/chatting to Thorn for several sim days*
Was that random? Why yes, I do believe so, I rather thought it was random that the game camera forced me to see the fire--no idea why. I do a quick look around for other potential partners for Josie, but, uh, yeah, no. They are all rejects, except Morty, and he is too young. XD
I did remember to have her buy a washer/dryer combo though--so now we are rules compliant!!
*more chatting*
We're slowly getting there, they are finally out of the redzone and almost "friends".
Suddenly, Josie can't call or text Thornton. I think he blocked her number!! O.o Only the NRaas option shows up. Which means I have to hunt the pesky sim down, and see what is wrong with him.
This is where I discover, my game hates me. Really hates me. XD
He's a freaking celebrity now--and she has to somehow impress him!! Ha! Josie??? She can't even talk normal to him, let alone impress him!!!
Lots of trial and error, as I, er, Josie tries to figure out just what will impress Thornton. Talking about money does not impress him. lol
T: *imperiously* You may now speak to me.
J: Gee, thanks. Wanna group up?
The Grouping option works great--makes it harder for Thornton to run away...
I half expected him to drive a better car though--cheapo--
To truly impress him, Josie offers to buy him dinner, and not just any dinner either. A fancy dinner. Also, while dining in a rabbithole, she is less likely to keep inserting her foot into her mouth...
Dude, what's the rush??
T: I'm starving!!!
Josie in her fancy clothes.
Ever the gentleman, Thornton does wait for her...eventually...
Josie---your posture is terrible. Stand up girl!! And why is no one looking at anyone?? Bunch of snobs...
Movie after dinner, her posture is still terrible. Good grief! Straighten up Josie!!
J: *trips* Whoops!
Clumsy trait, she trips all over herself. They indulge in some backstage make out sessions, which really helps out the ole' relationship scores...
....Thornton is nearly in my...I mean, Josie's grasp....
Well, that went well.
Uh oh--where'd he come from???
*flash* *flash* *flash*
T: @#$%^!%?*
Busted. They make the front news, cavorting in public. Humiliation galore--puts a damper on an other wise successful night!
...maybe too much cavorting???...
Alrighty then--time to get good ole' Thornton to move in...
Ack! He is the most agitating sim!!!
Nothing makes him happy. *grumbles* It would help if Josie would stop putting her foot in her mouth!!
J: *puts foot in mouth for upteenth time*
I swear this game hates me. I no longer feel sorry for Thornton, once he becomes part of this household, I am going to gleefully torture him!! Darn irritating sim...
48 sim hours later....
T: A present for me? You shouldn't have!
J: I didn't, I was forced to.
Shut up Josie, keep that foot away from your mouth! We almost have him! Good thing too, Josie's baby bump is really showing.
Thornton has commitment issues. XD He rejects her offers (yes, plural) to move in. I really want to smite him right now. So tempting!!! If there was another sim around who had the right traits, I would smite him.
*resists urge to smite Thornton*
*spams pillow fighting interactions* Who knew that Thornton loves to pillow fight??
Their relationship is finally high enough, that he accepts her offer to move in. Muahahahahahahahaa!!!!! *gleefully rubs hands* I've got you now sucker!!!!
Since he has commitment issues, he gets to do all the asking, I'll just fix her last name afterwards...
Eureka!!! *hits save* That was a pain in the petusky!
Notes: It was so hard to resist the urge to cheat!!! lol But I was good, I swear! Now they need to work on those 5 kids, we'll see how those genetics work out. =)
Thanks for reading!