Last time it was an exercise in my patience (which I have very little of, lol) trying to get Thornton. He was, resistant, to say the least.
He did come with some money though, so the house got a small upgrade.
I originally had some sort of idea for how the house would look--how I could build it part by part--but I have since forgotten that plan. XD
In fact, I even discovered that my square counting was slightly off on one side, and the house wasn't symmetrical. I couldn't stand that, so I had to fix that. It's nothing fancy--just functional. For the moment anyway--5 kids need to fit in there somewhere....
Some last minute relaxation before the child onslaught.
And it's baby time!! At least Thornton drives her.
T: I'm so tired.
Oh you poor baby... *smacks*
....3 hours later....
It's a boy, Thorne Titan. I keep wanting to type Throne, darn it! He got randomized traits, childish and family-oriented. He'll make a great older sibling!!
Homeward bound. Thornton apparently decided he was too tired to drive home, so he ordered a taxi and put his car in his backpack. I need a backpack like that...
J: He needs a makeover, that suit is horrible.
I agree. So Thornton gets a makeover, sort of a first time dad's present. He wants to be a business man, but what he wants doesn't matter anymore. The rolls dictate his life, so he is now a full time gamer. LOL Couldn't get much different than that!!
So I gave him a wardrobe more closely reflecting his new career.
Doesn't he look fabulous?? haha!
T: I look ridiculous.
And I don't care because you were a pain in the butt...
So commences the torturing of Thornton Wolff-Titan.
Uh oh--forgot to pay the bills. Darn it. I wonder what weird thing the Repo man is going to take???
He took an outside light. Huh.
He does look rather evil though...
But wait..there's more! He's not done yet.
He takes...dun dun dun....the laundry basket!!! Oh no!! Not the laundry basket--anything but that!!! :P
Repo-Man: *cackles* I'm so evil!!! My work here is done!!
Thankfully they have enough money to replace those 2 items, so no biggie. Other than the 24 sim hours of random crying over the laundry basket...silly sims.
Thornton takes his relationship with Josie seriously---he is even...dare I write it?? Sweet?
Neither one has figured out how to parent properly yet...
Thorne ages up into a pretty cute toddler.
Josie tries to burn down the house while baking him a cake...
J:Help! Fire!!! Fire!!!
T: *runs and waves hands around* Fire!!! Fire!!!
Good thing they have a fire detector, but what the heck is taking the fire department so long to respond?? At this rate it's going to burn the house down!!
T: I think firefighters are hot!!
Egads Thornton, really?? Go put the fire out, better spray yourself too...
Firefighter: OMG!!! He's so hot!!!
Insurance grants them a measly 200 bucks, it costs over a thousand to replace the burnt up stuff. Apparently, my sims have the same insurance company that I do...
What exactly are you teaching the kid to say anyway??!
*covers Thorne's ears*
Bad Thornton, bad!!
T: *giggles* Sorry. Not really. *giggles*
I think the strain of parenthood is starting to get to him!!
Another example of fine sim parenting....
...and this is how you do the laundry---sims style. XD
I approve of this way to do laundry...hahaha!! Who needs a washer/dryer anyway?
First snow, rather pretty. Glad it's simlife and not real life.
Thornton built an igloo, for rather nefarious purposes I think...
Dang!! That was fast!! O.o
That outfit though! It's the middle of a winter storm Josie...
J: I was feeling a little warm...
So I'm trying out this new pregnancy mod, I thought it would be neat to have various due dates, instead of the exact 72 hrs. How was I to know that I had goofed up the settings a bit??? Live and learn, live and learn. Ahem---as you'll all see really soon. xD
J: What?! I'm in labor?!
How are you in labor? You just got pregnant???
J: OWWWWWWWW! I don't know, but I AM!!
Well then, that was sudden. XD Whoops. Welcome baby Lucas. His traits are disciplined and green thumb.
...Just, really Thornton? You couldn't give her 2 minutes before knocking her up again??
T: *grins* Just doing my job.
And why are you showing already-- again?! Something is wonky.
Twins! A little girl, Storm, brave and genius; and a little boy, Fire, family oriented and hopeless romantic. Oh yeah--I use a baby trait mod, I hate wasting traits, which is what it feels like when their traits are so restricted.
Had to add to the crib count, thankfully they had enough money.
Yep, there are 5 cribs. She's gotta have 5 kids, and we're mostly there. One more to go!
Thornton pulls Fire out of the snow. Hahahaha! Only in Sims could I write that sentence and have it make sense. Kind of. XD
*fiddles with pregnancy mod settings* I think I fixed whatever it was I did that made them immediately go into labor after getting pregnant.
Last pregnancy--actually goes rather normal, if normal was a word you could use in Sims.
Normal-ly sims family stuffs.
Lucas ages up.
More Normal-ly Sims family stuffs---
What?! Doesn't every mom stand inside the baby crib? That's totally normal...
You would think I would learn not to let the game run while doing other stuffs--but I don't. XD She escaped to the hospital for baby #5.
Being that is a baby basket, it's more than just baby #5...
Try baby #5, #6, and #7.
Had to make room for more cribs inside, so out went the washer and dryer.
Baby #5: Sage, girl, commitment issues, charismatic
Baby#6: Heather, girl, family oriented, angler
Baby#7: Daisy, girl, dramatic, athletic
And just to prove that Josie is actually insane, despite what her traits say--
Um yeah--no. Just no. The baby factory is CLOSED.
Notes: Child roll has been completed and then some, lol There is no trying with their careers because of their roll, so that means concentration on just keeping those kiddos alive and away from the social worker. Oh--and maybe keep the parents alive too. XD
Omg. Where to start. Thornton is hot! Nice grab, Josie and nice makeover, Nirar.
ReplyDeleteThe laundry adventures. Hahahaha That was hysterical.
Although your mod settings goof was even funnier than the laundry. I can't believe she wants another.
I agree, he came out great- he's not rolling any wishes to break up, or are they not even 'dating'?
ReplyDeleteKids are super cute but holy eff, seven of them...